Better Together

Our Platform

Our "Better Together" platform is designed to be a comprehensive community solution, fostering real-world connections and enhancing engagement through ethical technology. At the core of our platform are four key functionalities that serve to unify and empower communities of any scale or nature.


Rebuild community, in person, by enabling regular human engagement. Our platform facilitates real connections, helping members meet and interact within their community regularly and meaningfully.


Peer support is at the heart of our platform, fostering positive group accountability and heightened awareness. Members support each other’s goals and challenges, strengthening the community bond.
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A safe and supportive environment with the member at the centre. We prioritise creating a welcoming space where every individual feels they belong and can contribute.


Improve mental and physical well-being with in-person activity, goals, and a common purpose. Our platform encourages active engagement and personal development through shared community goals.

It is incumbent on technology companies and a new generation of humanistic entrepreneurs to imagine and design technology that intentionally strengthens our connections with each other instead of weakening them, and that supports healthy and engaged society.

Dr. Vivek Murthy
19th Surgeon General of the United States

Your Community.... growing on our platform

Designed to engage members far more effectively than traditional social media, as evidenced within our military community, which show a twentyfold increase in engagement - real engagment and interactions, not clicks and likes.

Comprehensive Community Tools

Event Management: Streamlines the planning and execution of events, improving attendance and engagement.

Effective Messaging System: Ensures clear and direct communication within the community, enhancing information sharing and responsiveness.

Enhancement of Member Engagement

Fosters a Sense of Belonging: Each member is valued, fostering a strong sense of community and individual inclusion.

Encourages In-Person Interactions: Though digital, the platform is crafted to encourage offline engagement, strengthening real-world connections.

Support and Accountability

Ongoing Support Framework: Provides continuous assistance and guidance to ensure community managers can effectively lead. This is not just software, this is a complete service.

Accountability Structures: Built into the platform to maintain active participation and follow-through on community initiatives.

Customisable and Adaptable

White Label Solutions: Our platform can be customised to reflect the unique brand and needs of any organisation, enhancing identity and unity - it is a core from which to build your community platform.

Flexible Group Features: Supports the creation of sub-groups, pinboards for sharing content, and custom features for members, adaptable to various community structures like military units, corporate groups, or local clubs.

We are not Social Media

At Allegr, we redefine community engagement by prioritising genuine connections over profit. Unlike social media platforms, designed to capture attention and benefit advertisers, our platform serves its members—never users.

We operate on a business model where communities directly fund our services, ensuring their interests are always at the forefront, free from third-party interests and manipulative algorithms.
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We are transforming the way communities connect and support their members. If you are looking to better support your members, please get in touch.